Home Services Simulation Consulting Simulation Project
Simulation project

The typical simulation consultancy project consist of four main stages:


Simulation Consulting Phases


Problem identification

The accurate identification of problems to be solved and precise specification of questions that have to be answered is vital to the success of each simulation study. Our specialists will help you identify your main problem areas and formulate the right questions (so that these can be answered by simulation) and guide you through initial steps of the simulation consulting study. This stage usually involves also a visit of our staff to the examined terminal in order to better understand its operation.

Read more about some typical problems that can be solved for railways or industrial facilities.


Creation of simulation model

The examined system is replaced by its simulation model in order to conduct experiments without influencing the normal operation of the modelled system. Utilising in-house developed simulation tool Villon, we build a microscopic simulation model of the examined system and its operation.

Keeping in mind that the goals of the simulation study have to be reached, the simulation model has to be valid and model all important aspects of the operation at required level of detail. It is very important that our specialists understand the operation of the system to the uttermost details and all required data are provided (by customer) or collected (by our employees). Close cooperation with the customer and visit(s) to the modelled facility (if existent) is indispensable at this stage.

As a part of the model validation process, Villon Viewer with the created model is delivered to the customer, given the chance to evaluate it and provide feedback in order to improve the model quality.


Simulation experiments

Experimenting with the simulation model is an iterative process of consequent runs of simulation with modified parameters with the objective to disclose the behaviour of the system (with the given set of parameters) leading to the solution of a problem.

In general, single simulation experiment provides an answer to a single question (e.g. what is the optimal number of sidings in a station). Within the frame of a single simulation experiment, many simulation runs with modified parameters (e.g. trying various number of sidings) are run and evaluated. Correct evaluation of simulation runs shows the direction and next steps in the quest for the solution.

Usually a number of simulation experiments is performed, in order to find solutions to all problems and answer all questions asked by the customer. The number of performed experiments directly influences the study cost and usually it is negotiated during the first stage of the project.


Results Evaluations & Recommendations

A final study report is an inseparable part of the study; it includes detailed analysis of all conducted experiments, answer to questions asked, solutions and recommendations as well as a short management summary of the results and recommendations. Villon Viewer is delivered to customers as an integral part of the the final report at no additional cost. Villon Viewer enables customers to execute simulation runs prepared by model designers and exploit complete range of run-time and post-run evaluation options Villon offers.